Moving Forward as Allies

“No matter who you are. No matter where you come from. No matter what your affiliations are. You have a safe place in the Part-Time CEO® community.” - Janelle Lara

CEO’s, the last few weeks have been heavy and they have been hard. 

That’s why I have waited to speak on the podcast and share my thoughts on what’s been going on. I wanted time to think things over and give the episode the attention and care that it deserved.

I made an intentional decision to not have the current climate be a social media ploy to uplevel my value. 

It had to be personal. 

It had to be real.

It had to be intentional.

This week, I wanted to share with you how my company has chosen to approach the situation and how we are committed to supporting POC. 

I recognize that my efforts have room to improve and how I personally need to educate myself in this movement. 

I want to give you an inside look on how The Part-Time CEO® will move forward this next season.

The main takeaway? No matter where you come from, who you are, what your color is, whatever your background may be, you have a safe place here. 

Links to episodes mentioned here: 

How Mia Closed a Multi-Six-Figure Package After a Month of Coaching 

Make a Cold Audience Fall in Love with You with Sani Nielsen

From Failing English to Forbes Writer with Pauleanna Reid

It’s All Mindset with Erica Ballard

Live Coaching Call with Katya Sarmiento

  • Follow @theparttimeceopodcast on Instagram for special, podcast related updates!

  • For more resources, information on my coaching services, and a whole community of Part-Time CEOs, find me on Facebook at The Part-Time CEO® Group, my website, or email me at

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Janelle Lara